OTT Voice Solutions.
Continue to make and receive calls in the same way you have always done, only without the need for a telephone line.
Using a new or existing “switch off” compatible connectivity service such as SoGEA or FTTP/C, OTT Voice (Over The Top) allows your customers to make and receive calls in the same way they always have, without a telephone line.
As a direct replacement to PSTN and ISDN services, Nasstar OTT Voice ensures your customers don’t lose their voice services and are future-proofed.

How will OTT benefit your customers?
Reliable, high-quality service
Providing all the voice features users expect, customers can continue using voice services or easily divert through the portal when there are connectivity issues.
Retain existing phone number
Port the existing telephone number onto IP Voice or receive a new telephone number.
Future-proof connectivity
Ensure your customers are prepared for the PSTN withdrawal.
Standalone OTT Voice
This is a low-cost voice service customers can add to our existing connectivity services. It can be contractually managed separately from the data connection to provide flexibility.